EU lead ammunition ban: don't panic!
Let's go back to the lead ammunition issue and the potential limitations that (in the future) could come from the European Commission

It's confirmed how, so far, talks about restrictions are on the table "only" for lead-based hunting ammunition in wetlands
Last week, we published the news about possible new restrictions on the use of lead-based ammunition: a new attack, once again coming from the European Commission, potentially even more dangerous than the proposed restrictions contained in the EU Commission directive approved this year.
While maintaining vigilance against any possible threat to our gun rights is important, it is also paramount to double-check and thoroughly investigate all relevant information in order to avoid raising unwarranted alarm in the shooters' community.
The concern of a possible total ban on lead-based ammunition – which would have a negative effect on all sport shooting activities, everywhere in Europe – spread like wildfire among the European shooters' community, and we have been asked to shed some further light about the matter, which is what we are going to do right now.
Concerning the European Commission's request to ECHA to evaluate possible restrictions to the use of lead-based ammunition, authoritative sources within EU institutions confirmed to us that the procedure only pertains to the use of lead-based ammunition for hunting purposes in the wetlands.

Fiocchi Wetland steel ammunition

Fiocchi Excellence steel ammunition
Sources from AFEMS – the Association of European Manufacturers of Sporting Ammunition – also confirm that the focus of the procedure is, once again, hunting ammunition used in wetlands. Something that many hunters in several European countries have already learned to get used to.

There is no total ban on lead-based ammunition behind the corner, nor any planned restriction for uses other than hunting in wetlands
It goes without saying, that within the European Commission there are people that would just love to go "more ambitious" on the matter; but as far as it concerns limitations on the use of lead-based ammunition in handguns and rifles, there are no operative indications, exception made for generic indications to conduct "studies" about their impact on the environment. Therefore, nothing to be worried about.
What is on the table is basically a modification on the REACH regulation, and not a directive to be passed by the European Parliament with the direct involvement of the Council and the Commission; this means that, while any restriction proposal may indeed have a political motive, the procedure will not be political but exquisitely technical and scientific in nature.
To sum it up: there is no imminent threat to the use of lead-based ammunition, no cause for alarm or panic, no total ban on lead-based ammunition is awaiting behind the corner, just like the total ban on modern sporting firearms proposed by the European Commission failed miserably to see the light.
When facing this kind of threats – because that's what we're talking about! – the European shooters' community needs to be resilient and avoid unwarranted panicky reactions like " I don't buy them, as they will soon be banned". The masterminds behind the European and global gun control campaigns want you to believe this, in order to weaken the industry and the whole market, preparing for possible future attacks. We will keep you posted.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt