Mauser M12 S Manual Cocking system rifle
IWA 2016 – The Mauser efforts to empower their successful Mauser M12 line are restless. But sometimes, apparently small integrations make things really different. As in the case of the new Mauser M12 S with Manual Cocking system.
S stands for safety. The Mauser M 12 hunting rifle has always had a reputation for being particularly reliable and accurate. New developments during the last few years have transformed the Mauser M 12 rifle into an outstanding and timeless rifle. With immediate effect, the M 12 is now also available with a manual cocking system.

The Manual Cocking system of the Mauser M12 S, located just right up and behind the bolt handle
The cocking lever is positioned horizontally to simplify the handling even when the scope mount is set low and while wearing gloves.
Whether or not the gun is cocked is clearly visible from the position of the cocking lever and supported by additional colored markings on the rifle.
The firing spring is only cocked shortly before the shot itself which means that the rifle can be carried safely and securely, even when loaded.
The M 12's manual cocking system is designed so that the bolt is automatically secured and cannot be accidently opened when the rifle is uncocked. A minimal amount of pressure against the cocking lever to the right is enough to open the bolt.

The Mauser M12 S Manual Cocking rifle

The Mauser M12 S Manual Cocking rifle
The new Mauser M 12 S rifle with its manual cocking system includes all the original M 12 functions for its continued success. Not only that, it is now possible to use the manual cocking system to easily and silently cock the rifle, even when the rifle is mounted.
The Mauser M 12 S successfully combines many years of experience with manual cocking systems. Easy, precise, and reliable. A real Mauser.