Chiappa Firearms and TSA Outdoors

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Chiappa Firearms and TSA Outdoors

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SHOT Show 2024 - Chiappa Firearms signs an important agreement with the Australian distributor TSA Outdoors

Chiappa Firearms and TSA Outdoors

Rino Chiappa and Aaron Millard

Rino Chiappa and Aaron Millard

Chiappa Firearms(link is external) announces the signing of a new distribution agreement for the Australian market.


The new partner will be the TSA Outdoors company(link is external), one of the main operators in the Australian hunting and sport shooting world.


A very structured distributor, TSA Outdoors will allow an increase in market share for the Chiappa brand in a very dynamic country like Australia.


The contract was signed at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas by Rino Chiappa and Aaron Millard, Managing Director of TSA Outdoors.

Chiappa Firearms and TSA Outdoors