Firearms United officially becomes an NGO!
The news arrived today: Firearms United has been formally recognized as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), giving it a wider leeway to act in defense of gun rights at International level
The new icon of the new Firearms United logo
Great news were announced today on the battlefront for the safeguard of our gun rights: the Firearms United network officially announced the end of a very long bureaucratic procedure that led to an official change of its legal status.
From a national organization headquartered in Poland and acting as an informal coordination network for gun rights advocacy groups and associations in other Countries, now Firearms United turns into the Firearms United Network: an officially recognized non-governmental organization (NGO) with full legal personality and a public statute, active to preserve gun rights in all of Europe and elsewhere thanks to the action of its federated organizations in Countries such as Australia, India, Peru and South Africa.
A message from Tomasz Stępień, President of the Firearms United Network
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to inform you that we have finished registration process for Firearms United Network (FUN). The new formula is association of associations.
We are formally registered at Polish National Court Register (KRS) and we have full legal personality.I would like to thank you for your support and trust, which you were giving us for years and for your understanding, as the registration was taking a significant amount of time.
Thankfully, we crossed this bridge and we can use our energy to work for legal gun owners.Many times, we have been asked, when would it be possible to formally join Firearms United? We will open registration in the coming days. We just need some additional time for formalities. Bank account, registration template etc.
Tonight, our Statute will be published, so everyone can read it. First, we open for support membership, with a membership fee of 25 Euros per year.Current Firearms United Network authorities (temporary till the first general Assembly) are:
Tomasz W. Stępień – President
Tel. 00 48 660 792 796
Email: Tomasz.stepien@firearms-united.comFilip Kwiatkowski – Vice-president
Email: filip.kwiatkowski@firearms-united.comJarosław Walczuk – Treasurer

Tomasz W. Stępień, President of the Firearms United Network
The change of legal status, paving the way for a broader and more incisive action for gun rights advocacy in Europe and elsewhere, also paves the way for Firearms United to allow individual membership by supporters.
Gun owners and all those citizens who support gun rights will thus be able to provide their direct support to the Firearms United Network. They're, however, still incited to also become members of their national gun rights organizations federated to the Firearms United Network, if any exist, so that gun rights can be protected from multiple standpoints.
The Firearms United official registration as NGO is visible here...

From the fight against the EU Gun Ban to the CarryNow initiative, the Firearms United network has been fighting long and hard for the rights of law-abiding gun owners in Europe: it's time to step up the game!
The reaction of the gun control front – and of the mainstream media that supports it – to the actions of Firearms United ever since the conference held at the European parliament on November 16, 2016 shows that what adversaries of gun rights fear the most is a well-organized, well represented front enjoying a vast support and fighting against gun grabbers both at a national and international level, such as against gun control proposals put forward by the EU or the UN.
Your support is fundamental, now more than ever: an organic defense of our rights, our sports and our hobbies at local, national and international level is necessary if we want to have a chance to preserve them for the future generations.
If adequately supported, the gun rights advocacy front that would result from that could be just as powerful as the legendary "gun rights lobby" of America. And the anti-gun front just can't stand the sheer thought of that: it sends shivers down their spines. Let's make it happen!