Minuteman Review publishes The Ultimate Firearms Industry Guide
Guns in America: so many want to have their say about it, but what's the truth? If you want to know everything about the state of the industry in the motherland of the Second Amendment, look no further than the statistics published by the Minuteman Review!
The "guns in America" topic is so hot and controversial that everyone and their dog – both in the US and abroad – feels entitled to have their say about it. Unfortunately, more often than not the plethora of voices gets overwhelmed by the screaming of gun control advocates intent on manipulating the public opinion with misleading data.

With the mainstream media, both in the US and abroad, largely siding with the anti-gun lobby, it's difficult to find a source of facts to counter the exaggerations and fabrications of gun control advocates. Searching the Internet is definitely time-consuming, as information is scattered around thousands of websites, and this can be challenging for gun rights supporters from foreign Countries.
The Minuteman Review – a US-based website dedicated to supporting the 2nd Amendment and promoting firearms safety and education – took it upon itself to aggregate data related to gun ownership and concealed carry licenses in the US, as well as data refering to firearms manufacturing and distribution, and make them all available in a single interactive page: their Ultimate Firearms Industry Guide does not cover cases and stats about defensive gun use (there are other dedicated websites for that), but provides a handy guide about gun ownership in the United States by age, ethnicity and gender, as well as geographic distribution and relevance of manufacturers in the several fields.
And all sources are quoted on the footer for easy cross-check. Many surprises here await those who will actually want to educate themselves.
A diverse World

So to speak: while supporters of gun control love to play the racial and gender card, defining gun ownership as something for "white males", the data reported by the Minuteman Review tell a different story. 22% of US women overall own at least one firearm – a constantly growing trend that's getting them closer to the 39% rate of US men.
In terms of ethnic groups, 24% of African Americans and 15% of Hispanics in the US are gun owners; put together, these two groups surpass by three points the 36% gun ownership rate of the whites.
More generally speaking, there is at least one firearm in 43% of US households, with an overall ownership rate of 120.5 firearms every 100 inhabitants.
Americans own 46% of the 857 million firearms owned by civilians worldwide: this alone should be enough to make those who would want to disarm Americans think at least twice.
Self-defense, a basic human right

The Minuteman Review's stats provides gun ownership data by age range and geographic location within the US, and highlights the main reasons stated by US gun owners to own firearms – with 67% declaring to own guns for defense. For each use, the research also lists the most popular firearms on the US market by make and model.
Furthermore, the research also lists the exact number of concealed carry licenses for each of the fifty States, plus the District of Columbia. For about a decade, now, all fifty States have now had either a "may-issue" or a "shall-issue" regime in place for CCWs, with "no-issue" being no longer in place anywhere. Plus, at least sixteen States have some form of Constitutional Carry in place and thirty-two have provisions for non-restricted or least-restricted open carry.

The state of the Industry

Last, the Minuteman Review's research provides an interesting insight on the US firearms industry, listing the top ten manufacturers by production volume (two of them being US subsidiaries of well-known European companies) and identifying the biggest players in each segment – handguns, shotguns, rifles, etc.
The research goes as far as to identify the most popular firearm brands in every State and the most relevant in the fields of self-defense, hunting, and sport shooting.
Now, whoever wants to touch the "guns in America" topic has a tool at hand offering just hard data and numbers, not "contaminated" by any sort of ideologic bias – on either side! – and providing a clear view of the state of affairs: no other considerations, just numbers, with relevant sources available for cross-checks. We seriously hope journalists and the mainstream media at large will want to use these hard data, from now on, rather than believing the numbers provided by gun control advocacy groups – whose reliability, more often than not, has been found to be dubious to say the least.