Browning BAR 4X: a classic hunting rifle, now fully configurable
Browning introduces a new generation of BAR hunting rifles: the Browning BAR 4X series is fully configurable starting with four baseline models, with a broad array of selectable wooden components, sight systems, and a redesigned coupling interface between the action and the barrel for increased accuracy

The new generation of the world's best-selling semi-automatic hunting rifle was announced through a dedicated on-line event on January 23, 2023: the new Browning BAR 4X series of semi-automatic hunting rifles, while maintaining all the best features and the general technical layout that made the previous iterations of the Browning BAR design so successful and popular, evolves to meet the demands and tastes of modern-day hunters with several improvements and a totally customizable configuration.

Compared to the previous versions of the design, the new Browning BAR 4X rifles feature a 25% shorter length of travel for the now oversized cocking handle, to speed up manual charging. A sturdier receiver-to-barrel connection with a threaded interface between the two components, larger bearing surfaces and thicker contact surfaces on the wooden furniture also contribute to higher accuracy.
All the Browning BAR 4X series rifles also feature a top-tang sliding manual cocking system and an enlarged bolt-open release lever, for additional safety and comfort of use.

Full configurability and modularity is however the key feature of the new Browning BAR 4X series of rifles: prospective buyers can log to a free-to-use, web-based, dedicated configuration website to customize their ideal Browning BAR 4X rifle starting from four baseline models (dubbed the Hunter, Elite, Ultimate and Platinum respectively), all different in terms of receiver color and engravings.
From there, the user may go for five stock options, all different in terms of style and types of wood; four available calibers – .308 Winchester, .300 Winchester Magnum, .30-06 Springfield e 9,3x62 – and the shooter's choice of a fixed or hinged 3, 4, or 5 rounds magazine depending on the selected chambering.

The user may also choose between a set of battue, Tracker, or Affût style Browning sights, and whether or not to add a Browning Nomad optics rail to the receiver or just go for a barrel-mounted Kite Optics K1 red dot sight.
All the new Browning BAR 4X rifles feature a threaded barrel for flash hiders, muzzle brakers, or sound suppressors where available. By removing the thread protector, the front sight may be removed and a new one slipped on without any special tool and without the need for a specialized armorer. The redesigned coupling between the barrel and the receiver makes this interchangeable, modular sights system as sturdy as it can get.

Additional configuration options will be added to the on-line configurator and thus to the BAR 4X line in the coming weeks. In the end, the Browning BAR 4X will offer hundreds of potential different configurations.
The retail price of the Browning BAR 4X series rifles will vary depending on the user's configuration choices, with baseline price starting at €1,938.00 in Europe – no information concerning other markets being available so far. Once configured, shooters may place an order for their customized Browning BAR 4X rifle through any Browning authorized distributor.