Thank You for Shooting!
With anti-gun zealots waging war against our rights, education of our children is an important topic we need to focus on in order to preserve our heritage
It's called education. It comes from our teachers, but more importantly, our parents.
It is the job of every parent to warn their children of all the dangers of the world so that one day when they get older, they can choose for themselves

In the movie "Thank you for smoking" (2005), the three "dangers to society" – Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco – were represented by actors Maria Bello, David Koechner and Aaron Eckhart
With these words Nick Naylor, the character played by actor Aaron Eckhart in the 2005 feature film Thank you for smoking expressed an undeniable truth: education is the key to safeguard our society from spiraling down into dysfunctionality – as they have been for years now.
A dysfunctionality whose symptoms include being “offended” by anything and complying blindly with the provisions of the Politically Correct ideology, while at the same time refusing to see how this same ideology does exactly nothing to protect the weakest minority categories of our societies, but rather draws a veil on what they could deem “offensive” without addressing the true roots and, solving the problems once and for all.
Intolerance is useful to politics, which uses it when searching for votes, taking advantage of people ignorance (= unknowledge). To be able to obtain the people consensus it is therefore necessary to have them intolerant against something they do not know nothing about. The movie Thank you for smoking is enlightening: just change the object of the story, from tobacco to firearms, and you will understand it easily.

Participate with your children about gun knowledge, shooting and safety. This will educate a new generation of better citizens, more aware about how to fight againsts dangers and evilness: caused by men, not by firearms
Social attitude towards firearms is a clear example of this. Generations of citizens have been taught to fear and avoid firearms, not to respect and master them: rather, convinced to be terrorized about them, convinced they are dangerous and evil, so transferring on them qualities that belong only and uniquely to the man, because only the man can be dangerous and evil.
In order to have the people constantly terrorized, people must believe that whoever owns a firearm is a potential murderous maniac.
Because otherwise, a gun owner could be seen as a “defender” against dangers and evil.
But sometimes governments do not like this, as history teaches us...

It is the job of every parent to guide their children about gun safety and gun knowledge
Education of younger generations towards the correct handling and use of firearm is mostly absent in Europe, given how laws and regulations restrict heavily their attendance to shooting ranges.
Things go slightly better in the United States, thanks to initiatives such as Project Appleseed and the Civilian Marksmanship Program – and it's no big surprise if they're subjects for constant attacks by anti-gun groups and their alied in the Media: education dispels lies, and since lies are the foundation for anti-gun propaganda, they don't want this to happen.
In most of Europe, at least until very recent times, the only education to the correct handling and use of firearms that the ruling political, economic and social elites deemed “acceptable” was the one – lackluster in many cases – provided to young conscripts in those Countries that maintained a National Service system.
The scope of the “Draft” was never to educate citizens to handle firearms safely and proficiently, but to educate them to serve their Country – and while service is a noble thing, a free society should never make it compulsory. Service should always be the result of a citizen's free will – just like gun ownership should.

The family is central in the education of children, and this is true also when talking about the dangers coming from the World we all live in
And education can only come from families, now. There's nobody left to devolve it to – not in Europe at least, and even the slightly better situation of the United States is being threatened by the combined efforts of an anti-gun front that's ideologically and tactically coordinated at an international level.
In Europe, the anti-gun front is dismissing the legitimate worries of those who oppose the EU gun ban plans as petty "industrial interest" that get in the way of better tracement of firearms for the common good.
Promoted by NRA of America, the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program is a gun accident prevention program that seeks to help parents, law enforcement and educators to improve children’s safety.
Know more about the NRA Eddie Eagle program.
In the United States, the anti-gun front stages a phony outrage reaction towards the NRA's Eddie Eagle program (supported by as well) aimed to teach children to “stop, don't touch, run away, tell a grown-up” when they see a gun – they attack programs like this because “make use of schools to teach the kids about guns”, while instead all guns MUST remain “bad” in the mind of the public opinion.
On the contrary, well evidenced facts point out that kids educated to know and respect firearms are less likely to be pushed by morbific curiosity to handle one, therefore less exposed to deadly accidents, than kids pushed to fear them as plague. It’s just like sex: ignorance and deprivation generate excessive and unnatural desires.
It’s up to each one of us to embrace the role of educators towards our children, a role that cannot be delegated to anyone else.
Teach the kids about gun safety. Bring them to the range. Educate them before they learn about guns from the anti-gun front, or combat games of all sorts, with disastrous results.
Fear is never the answer. Education yes, it is.
Tomorrow the United States will elect their next President: one of the two candidates turned anti-gun and hoplophobic tendencies into major political points – of course, forgetting to tell American citizens that gun control will never keep them safer from criminals, terrorists, and mass shooters.
We hope that both the U.S. and Europe will be able to resist attacks from politicians who are using hoplophobia to win political support. Our wish is that Europe would be able to take a path of knowledge and responsibility, as opposed to the path of knee-jerk bans and senseless prohibition.
It's up to YOU to decide which way to go.
Don't let other decide this for you.

Firearms United goal is to inform people and mainstream that legal gun ownership is not a threat, but a benefit for our security.