Firearms United Network opens to individual membership applications!
The Firearms United Network announced that individuals and associations can now apply for direct membership, giving more strength to a growing network fighitng for the gun rights advocacy in Europe

As individual rights of law-abiding gun owners in many Countries are under constant attack by internationally coordinated efforts to impose sweeping gun control, a likewise efficient international gun rights advocacy group is worth supporting

A multi-language membership application form has been uploaded and is fully active for prospective Firearms United Network members
Starting from the last weekend, shooters can subscribe to national organizations federated to the Firearms United Network – engaged in fighting for the rights of legal gun owners in each Country – and also, separately, become members of the Firearms United Network itself to support the network that coordinates the efforts of the national federated entities in the fight against gun control legislation brought forward by international entitities such as the European Union or the United Nations.
Now you can become a member of the Firearms United Network by accessing and filling an On-Line form, available in multiple languages.
The yearly membership fee can be payed with a bank transfer to the following coordinates, indicating "[Your name and surname] membership fee 2019" as the reason:
NG Bank Slaski
Firearms United Network
IBAN: PL27 1050 1025 1000 0090 3170 5008
Two different membership forms are currently available: membership applications submitted now will be valid for 2019.
Support membership - is the basic membership application, open to individuals and carries a yearly fee of 25 euros.
Associate membership - is the membership application reserved to organizations (eg. gun rights advocacy groups, shooting federations, gun clubs, etc.) that may want to become part of the Firearms United Network (FUN). Associate membership carries a yearly fee of 100 euros and gives right to vote in the council, the governing body that sets the policy and the agenda of the FUN.

The Firearms United Network played a pivotal role in largely neutering the in-famous "EU Gun Ban" and in making sure that the original proposals by the European Commission didn't turn into an all-out ban and mandatory confiscation on modern sporting firearms and standard capacity magazines

The personal data provided to the Firearms United Network by membership applicants will be treated pursuant to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and will thus not be given to other entities nor used to create any sort of database
The Firearms United Network wishes to stress how important it is to subscribe separately both to FUN itself and to the national organizations that are part of it. Separate support lines are in fact necessary to sustain independently the entities fighting for gun rights in each different Country and the network that keeps them all together and makes them stronger when it comes to fight threats at an international level.
This announcement will definitely sound like the realization of the deepest fears of many gun control advocates and EU politicians, who condemned the "Surge of a dangerous gun lobby in Europe" already back when the Firearms United Network stood against the original European Commission's gun ban proposals and prevented them from becoming reality, which would have caused a total ban on modern sporting firearms and their standard capacity magazines and their mass confiscation.
As much as they may be angry and frightened at this, we can't help but express satisfaction to see the project for a unitary and strong gun rights advocacy front in Europe proceeding at a fast pace. And definitely we can't help but ponder that nothing of this would have happened if the gun grabbers and the politicians who side with them had just left law-abiding gun owners alone, knowing all too well that legally-owned firearms have nothing to do with crime and terrorism.