• CarryNow: Firearms United tackles personal defense!

CarryNow: Firearms United tackles personal defense!

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CarryNow: Firearms United tackles personal defense!

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CarryNow, a new awareness initiative by Firearms United, tackles both the uselessness of gun control laws and regulations in the wake of the recent terror attack string and the need of European citizens for liberal concealed carry and self-defense laws for everybody's safety!

VIDEO / CarryNow.eu - Because we can't disarm them with kindness...

CarryNow: a new awareness-raising campaign by Firearms United tackles personal defense

CarryNow: a new awareness-raising campaign by Firearms United tackles personal defense

As we said multiple times – including very recently – most of the terror attacks that shed the blood of innocent citizens in Europe could have been avoided if laws concerning both gun ownership and concealed carry of firearms for self-defense weren't so strict in most of the Member States of the European Union; and the recently officialized EU Gun Ban does not make them any better.

Once too many we've seen innocent men, women, youngsters slaughtered as they helplessly waited law enforcement to save them; it took hours or days in Paris and Berlin to track down and neutralize the killers, and very recently in London we saw people throw stuff to defend themselves(link is external) against knife-wielding terrorists as policemen, who do not carry guns, ran for their own lives(link is external).

The need for protection against criminal and terrorist attacks is felt in Europe now more than ever

The need for protection against criminal and terrorist attacks is felt in Europe now more than ever

But it's hardly worth bringing terrorism into it when citizens of European Countries have been under the constantly increasing threat of violent street crime for years. How many times have we heard of people robbed at knifepoint or gunpoint, and forced to endure painful ordeals because they were left defenseless by decree? How many times have innocent people been ambushed just outside of their houses(link is external) and brutalized, without a chance to defend themselves?

Once too many, according to the Firearms United network(link is external). Hence why, after the wrap-up of the European firearms directive and before the fight for implementation begins in the Member States, the network launched a new initiative – this time addressing the problem of restrictive ownership and carry laws in the Continent: CarryNow(link is external).

Enough is enough with helpless victims, says Firearms United!

Enough is enough with helpless victims, says Firearms United!

Civilians can deter terrorist and criminal attacks – if they are given the right to do so...

Civilians can deter terrorist and criminal attacks – if they are given the right to do so...

Among the most common lies of the anti-gun babble is that widespread defensive concealed carry would be the cause for a surge in violence and crime, with possibly disastrous effects on society. Quite unfortunately this lie has been believed and adopted by parts of the European gun owners' community itself, with many making a clear distinction between a "desirable" widespread gun ownership and a "less desirable", less politically-correct widespread defensive concealed carry.

Not only we in the European continent have our own distinguished examples of how this couldn't be further away from the truth – Czech Republic being on top of all European rankings for concealed carry and at the bottom for gun crime and violent crime in general – but as we said, we also have very recently experienced on our own detriment how high is the price of the European gun control failures in terms of human lives.

CarryNow.eu brings in facts and data to support the cause of the right for the European citizens to bear arms in self-defense

CarryNow.eu brings in facts and data to support the cause of the right for the European citizens to bear arms in self-defense

That's where the CarryNow initiative steps in: offering data, examples and many more, as Firearms United has done up until now, the CarryNow initiative is meant to spread awareness among the European gun owners' community and among the civil society as a whole about how liberal concealed carry laws are not to be feared, nor to be opposed, but rather to be supported and encouraged, along with a general relaxation of gun laws that will still not allow criminals and terrorists to access guns legally while at the same time giving law-abiding citizens a better chance to defend themselves against violent attacks.

With crime and terrorism pillaging through Europe and the sword of implementation of the EU Gun Ban in the legislation of Member States hanging upon gun owners and innocent citizens of Europe, threatening to make things ever worse, CarryNow sure has the potential to raise awareness of what the citizens of Europe really feel the need for.

Self-defense is a human right: support Firearms United and the CarryNow initiative, help spread awareness!

Self-defense is a human right: support Firearms United and the CarryNow initiative, help spread awareness!

Photo by Oleg Volk(link is external)

It is GUNSweek.com's hope indeed that CarryNow will have the effect to unite the European gun owners' community around the Firearms United flag. While concealed carry and personal defense are a sensitive topic in many Member States, and a change under that point of view could take years if not decades, a strong position backed by a majority of gun owners will force political and Police authorities EU-wide to see the writing on the wall and may help to obtain, on a short-term, a non-restrictive implementation of the new European firearms directive and the delay of its re-opening, which is slated to take place in a two-to-five-years timespan.

The long-term goal, however, remains the achievement of liberal gun ownership and carry laws EU-wide – with the Czech model being Firearms United's manifest example to follow – as well as mandatory EU-wide reciprocity of concealed carry license among Member States, meaning that even those Member States that tend not to allow CCWs to their citizens should be forced by law to recognize and honour those issued by other EU Countries.

CarryNow.eu is a Firearms United initiative

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