Firearms Guide, the ONLINE search able database!
Firearms Guide Online, a searchable database on firearms, technical data and prices. Realized by the Los Angeles based Impressum Media publisher, access to their information is regulated under paid subscriptions.

Paying for quality online information services is always worth spending
The QUESTION is simple, and of interest for any online publisher: why to pay money to access online information services?
The ANSWER is simple as well: because paying a fee is the more reasonable way to act, if you desire reliable information, but you don’t want to waste time in absurd searches among tons of online “free” but “unverified” or “wrong” data.
So, if you press buttons on the keyboard just to spend some time going online, probably without never searching nothing in particular, then stay as you are: do it for free.
But if you do use online information for professional, business or study purposes, or because of a strong passion in what you do, then you know that the time you spend in searching what you are looking for, has a value. And the more time you waste, the more it has a real cost for you.
The old say “Time is Money” applies to web searches also. Especially nowadays, in an Information World where many people use the web on a daily basis for business reasons.
Whoever in 2016 still keeps going declaring that online information must be free – but never specifying what kind of information we are talking about - is wrong (and quite stupid, also).
As a matter of fact, every time we access web based information, and given for granted that we are talking about quality and well-done publications, this always means one very simple thing: someone has worked hard to provide you with that information, granting its quality and making it valuable for you. And therefore, worth paying for it.
So, nothing different from what serious print publishers do since many years with their print publications: creating quality and valuable contents, paying staff and contributors costs to do it the right way, and asking people (and advertisers) to pay a fee to access them.
We normally buy something because 1) we need it, 2) we like it. But sometime also, we pay to support good ideas and work. Sometimes also simply because the result... it’s useful.
So, let’s now move to the real object of this article, just in case you still don’t know about it.
Editor note: yes, it is a promotional article and you will find it somewhere also, but maybe, after this long and necessary introduction, you will now look at it with different eyes…
The Firearms Guide Online
Initially sold on DVDs, and since few months now finally moved online, the Firearms Guide is a fully researchable global database of firearms, air guns and ammunition created for industry professionals, gun owners and passionate shooters. It enables comprehensive searches of antique and modern guns and side by side comparisons of search results. Guns are cross-referenced with the ammo database.

More focused searches and results in respect of what possible on Web search engines
Firearms Guide enables to perform researches by combining up to 14 key search criteria (caliber, country, year, action type, stock type, etc), or you can research guns made by a specific manufacturer by simply selecting the manufacturer.
BETTER THAN GOOGLE: For example, if you type in Google "polymer frame pistol in 9mm" your search result will be well over 400,000 web pages. The same search in will result in 300 pistols.

Rifle search sample page

Shotgun search sample page
Guns and ammo are presented with tech-specifications, features, ballistic and up to 12 high-resolution zoom able color pictures (up to 4000 x 1240) per model.
Gun values (based off of the 100% – 30% condition ratings) of antique guns and prices of new guns are provided for professionals in the gun trade as well as over 5,500 of zoom able and printable gun schematics and parts lists for professional gunsmiths worldwide. presents over 61,000 antique and modern firearms, airguns and ammunition from 902 manufacturers worldwide. Gun manufacturers from 50 countries!

Single model detail page contains over 5,500 printable and zoom able gun schematics with parts lists for all types of antique and modern guns. Gunsmiths can zoom them or print them from any computer or tablet anytime, anywhere.
Easy to use - Simply login from any computer or tablet anywhere anytime and immediately start researching world of guns and ammo, compare your search result, find value of your antique guns before you buy or sell and print gun schematics that you need or... just have fun!
100% Transparency - Models, manufacturers and schematics presented are available to check out before you purchase a subscription so that you really know what is available before you purchase the subscription, not after.

Rifle compare sample page

Pistol compare sample page
US-EU Ammo Caliber Chart - cross reference of standard and metric calibers linked with our Ammo section
One click search - with one click get 1911s, AR pistols, AK pistols, Derringers, Pepperbox pistols or ARs, AKs and Gatling rifles
One click Manufacturer - with one click you will get antique and modern guns made by one manufacturer organized by tabs - for example if you choose Beretta you'll get results on all Beretta guns organized in groups - handguns, rifles, shotguns, military and air guns.
650 Printable Targets - Silhouettes, Crosshairs, Animals, Zombies, ...
26 updates a year - covering new guns, more antiques, updated prices and values
Multiple Level Subscriptions - Subscriptions plans range from Total Access subscription to sub levels like Handguns, Rifles or Shotguns subscriptions. More specialized subscriptions are available such as 1911 ARs or AKs subscriptions and even purchasing info and gun values on a Single Model.
High-Resolution Pictures and Schematics - large format material used that can span 2- 3 computer screens so that you can move pictures on your screen to see all the details.
Guns and ammo cross-referencing - each gun is cross-referenced with all ammo in the same caliber with all ballistics, tech specs and features. Jumping between guns and ammo is just one click for any gun in any caliber.

The Firearms Guide also includes ammunition

The Firearms Guide also includes guns exploded views

The Firearms Guide also includes printable targets
For more information on Firearms Guide ONLINE, give a look at these VIDEOS:
Firearms Guide ONLINE - General presentation
Firearms Guide ONLINE - Gun Schematics Library
Firearms Guide ONLINE - One click search, side-by-side comparisons