Marco Dell'Acqua

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Always learning
Always having fun doing it.

Latest posts from Marco Dell'Acqua


Old West guns: meaning of numbers in the names of Black Powder rifle cartridges

Many old black powder cartridges chambered in rifles in use in the American West were commonly named with 2 or 3 consecutive numbers right after the...

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Test: Sabatti Rover Shooter ICM

The Sabatti Rover Shooter ICM is one of the best bolt-action rifles on the market, with even better performance thanks to the carbon-filled polymer...

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Bolt action rifle safety: two vs three positions

Most bolt action rifles offer either a 2 or a 3 positions rifle safety. Here are the differences and what function they serve.


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"Chamber Check", Davy Crockett style

Armi in Pillole / Making sure if a gun is loaded or not, with “a round in the barrel”, is a primary safety check that is not related to just modern...

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Are MOA more accurate than MIL?

Gun Pills / One of the recurring objections to the use of MILs in rifle optics is that MOAs are “more accurate”, and the math apparently backs this...

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Micro Red Dot Sights, not just for pistols

Born to be used on pistols, Micro Red Dot Sights (MRDS) are also useful with other types of weapons

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Brightness in rifle scopes

When talking about rifle scopes, or binoculars, one of the words more frequently used is “brightness”, but there is often confusion about what...

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