Hornady stops selling ammunition to New York State agencies
Following a recent move by the authorities of the State of New York, intended to boycott the National Rifle Association of America, Hornady Manufacturing announced that they will stop all sales of ammunition to any law enforcement and other agencies active in the State of New York

The Hornady Manufacturing company produces some of the best and most reliable ammunition for law enforcement
A very brief, gaunt press release signed by Steve Hornady himself as the president of the Hornady Manufacturing company made it official just days after the announcement of a new contract for the supply of Hornady ammunition to the FBI: Hornady is halting any and all sales of ammunition to local and State law enforcement agencies in the State of New York.
The decision will affect over 66.000 law enforcement officers serving in 514 agencies at a city/town, County and State level in the Empire State, over 36.000 of whom serve in the New York City Police Department, America's biggest law enforcement agency; also affected will be the wardens from the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

Law enforcement agencies in the State of New York will have to do without Hornady ammunition!
The press release reads:
Today, the State of New York did one of the most despicable acts ever perpetrated by any state by asking New York banks, financial institutions and insurance companies to stop doing business with the gun and ammo industry.
While it may not make a difference to New York, Hornady will not knowingly allow our ammunition to be sold to the Government of the State of NY or any NY agencies. Their actions are a blatant and disgusting abuse of office and we won’t be associated with a government that acts like that. They should be ashamed.

Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, is one of the staunchest enemies of Second Amendment rights in the United States
The decision came only hours after the New York Department of Financial Services Superintendent Mario Vullo sent letters to all insurance companies and banks doing business in the State of New York urging them to "join the companies that have already discontinued their arrangements with the NRA, the gun industry, or other promoters of guns."
The move, backed by Governor Andrew Cuomo, is the latest in a string meant to apply pressure against the National Rifle Association and against the firearms manufacturing industry in the United States of America, in order to destroy any resistance against liberticide gun control law proposals, and can be seen as nothing more than politically-sponsored bullying against a legitimate industry and against an advocacy group that fights for the rights of countless millions law-abiding American citizens.

The New York Police Department, a big user of Hornady ammunition, will have to find another source!
The State of New York has some of America's most stringent gun laws. In the City of New York itself, buying and owning firearms legally is harder than in many European Countries – EU Gun Ban or not – and yet violent crime is rife particularly in South Manhattan, in the Bronx and in certain areas of Brooklyn.
The Vice-President of the United States, Mike Pence, is slated to hold a speech at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum on May 5th, following the steps of President Trump who held a speech at the same event last year, witnessing the current Administration's unyielding stance in defense of gun rights. No firearms will be allowed during that event – a standard safety procedure imposed by the United States Secret Service which is already however being disgustingly mocked by gun control advocates.

One thing is certain: if all manufacturers of firearms, ammunition and defense products refused to sell to local, State and national governments that implemented gun control laws, the infringement of gun rights would be a thing of the past. Hornady is the first of the big names in the industry to follow a path laid out by smaller companies, and sets an example for others to follow!