Over 60% of US Counties are now "Second Amendment Sanctuaries!"
According to the latest data, over 60% of Counties in the United States of America have adopted a "Second Amendment Sanctuary" status, meaning that they will not enforce, nor allow enforcement of, strict gun control laws
It's by no means a mystery that the Biden Administration and the democrat-controlled Congress that were sworn in at the beginning of January 2021 are flat-out enemies of the right to keep and bear arms of the American Citizens as recognized by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Observers from outside the United States, and chiefly from those Countries that see the world through a European cultural perspective, may however be astonished to find out that a vast majority of America has put up a strong response to the Biden Administration's strong – and so far fruitless – push for further gun control.
The well-known website Tacticalgear.com just published a well-researched insight of legislation all through the United States, finding out that over 68% of all Counties in the United States of America are now covered by "Second Amendment sanctuary" statutes!

The map published by Tacticalgear.com highlights self-proclaimed Second Amendment sanctuary Counties (red), Counties in 2A sanctuary States (orange), and self-proclaimed 2A sanctuary Counties in already 2A Sanctuary States (crimson)

Gun control is a highly polarizing political topic in the United States
For those who don't know, in the United States a "Second Amendment Sanctuary" is essentially a jurisdiction – be it a township or municipality, a County, or a State – that adopted agreements and/or laws not to enforce strict Federal gun laws.
The policies that the local and state governments choose to disregard and the way in which they choose to disregard them vary widely from location to location, so much so that some Second Amendment sanctuaries gave their local law enforcement power to arrest and detain as criminals any Federal law enforcement agent that would try to enforce strict federal gun control laws in their territory.
Once again, this is something that may be difficult to understand for a European or for citizens of other Countries with a strongly statist culture and tradition – including so-called "Federal" Countries such as Austria or Germany – but it's pretty much in line with the American federal system, where the matters that are exclusive purview of the Federal Government are much less than those put by statute under central government authority in other Countries.

It's clear how the vast majority of US citizens flat-out rejects the gun control plans of the Biden Administration
What's undeniable is that by June 30th, 2021, 1930 Counties and 17 States in the United States of America were Second Amendment sanctuaries.
Second Amendment sanctuary Counties are also found in States known for their traditionally restrictive stance towards gun rights, such as California, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey and New York. As of today, only eight States out of 50 have no Second Amendment sanctuary jurisdictions in their territory: Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Gun ownership in the US is tied to personal freedom and independence from the government rather than to hunting, sport shooting, or self defense: a concept that may be hard to grasp for outsiders who can't understand the American mindset!
Will Second Amendment sanctuaries be able to throw a final wrench in the works of the American gun control activists? Sure thing, the anti-gun-rights lobby seems to be deadly afraid of 2A sanctuaries, so much so that they already started to challenge them in court – and lost.
Second Amendment sanctuaries are a difficult phenomenon to explain and understand to those who can't comprehend – or accept – the fact that the right to keep and bear arms as enshrined in the Constitution of the United States has nothing to do with hunting, personal defense, home protection, or sport shooting, but is rooted in a deep spirit of individual independence from any authority, including the Government itself.
Even a quick read of The Federalist Papers – published from October 1787 to 1788, written by the Founding Fathers of the United States to push New Yorkers to ratify the U.S. Constitution which had been written in Philadelphia back in Summer 1787 – would be enough to understand how the Founding Fathers themselves considered the State and its immense power not as a protector of individual rights, but as a potential threat to them, and wanted citizens to be armed in order to resist potential tyranny should it arise.
The existance itself of Second Amendment sanctuaries is a mirror of the spirit of freedom that's still alive and well in America: regardless of what the Federal Government may decide, local authorities are still free to do otherwise if their citizens ask them to. That's why a decisive victory of the gun control riffraff in the United States is highly unlikely for the foreseeable future, no matter the majority in Congress or who seats at the White House.