Firearms Guide: the 9th edition has just been published!
Impressum Media, publisher of the Firearms Guide series just published the new 9th Edition as searchable database as well as a super fast Flash Drive Edition & Online Edition Combo

Our readers should by now be very familiar with the Firearms Guide, a publication of Impressum Media that has been running since 2009 and has long established itself as a mainstay for industry professionals and enthusiasts.
Its web-based edition enables deep, complex searches of antique and modern guns and side by side comparisons of search results, as well as allowing the user to combine up to fourteen search criteria and obtain narrower and more accurate results than any search engine. The Firearms Guide also includes an ammunition database and many useful additional contents.

The 9th edition of the Firearms Guide is available as a 1-year subscription to the Internet-based database and as a combo with a 16gb USB edition allowing discerning researchers to have it always handy for quick reference. Includes ammo charts, downloadable blueprints and targets, cross-reference capabilities, a gun value chart, and more.

Just announced, the 9th edition of the Firearms Guide is now available for purchase either as a subscription to the constantly updated, web-based reference guide and in an interesting combo with a 16 gb Flash drive, allowing discerning enthusiasts, industry professionals and researchers to have a copy of the Firearms Guide always handy for quick reference right there on their keychain.
The Firearms Guide, 9th edition covers over 73.000 antique and modern civilian and military firearms manufactured since the 1800s, as well as airguns and ammunition from 1110 manufacturers worldwide.
A dedicated page for each model includes technical specs, prices, features, and up to 12 high-resolution pictures. The Firearms Guide features over 55,000 high-resolution color pictures of guns overall, with one-click-ballistics (stopping power) for every gun in any caliber and a side-by-side comparison of any guns of the user's choice.
The integrated ammunition database includes 6,400 rounds with ballistics, specs, features, pictures, and a US-EU specs conversion caliber chart.

The Firearms Guide also includes a gun value guide for antique and modern guns, with gun values online based off of the 100% - 30% condition ratings, ideal for gun traders and collectors; and a library of 8000 schematics and blueprints for modern and antique guns, perfect for gunsmiths and shooters who run their own maintenance.
The schematics and blueprints are viewable and zoomable in a very large size (four to five screens), and printable in unlimited number; same goes for the entire collection of over over 650 printable targets, in different styles (zombies, silhouettes, animals, criminals, etc).
The new 9th edition of the Firearms Guide is available at a price of $29.95 (26,14€) for the web-based only access. The flash drive & online Combo is priced at $44.95 (39,24€) with free shipping and handling.