• GUNSweek.com and Kalashnikov.ru reach a deal!

GUNSweek.com and Kalashnikov.ru online cooperation

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GUNSweek.com and Kalashnikov.ru online cooperation

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GUNSweek.com gains increasing international prominence, and good deals are always welcome, like the one with Kalashnikov.ru, the online counterpart of the famous Russian KALASHNIKOV magazine

The Kalashnikov magazine logo

The Kalashnikov magazine logo

Concordia parvae res crescunt, discordia maximae dilabuntur.
In harmony the smallest things grow up, in discord even the greatest ones ruin down.

Closing phrase of a passage from Sallustius's Bellum Iugurthinum: a passage fitting more than ever to a publication headquartered in Roma, the Eternal City, but most of all, fitting to the events that brought to the creation of the GUNSweek.com web platform.

It's true, union is really strength. When it comes to specialized, technical publications in any field – guns included! – what the public demands from both magazines and on-line sources is a high level of diffusion, legitimacy and authority.

In order to handle today's crowded market, publications like GUNSweek.com must offer international outreach, quality, and competence in its field. And instead of competing, the best get together, setting up reciprocally useful synergies.

The KALASHNIKOV magazine, printed by the "Azimuth" publishing house of Saint Petersburg, is one of Russia's most important gun magazines, and is the local sister publication to one of Europe's finest magazines for firearms enthusiasts: the German Deutsches Waffen Journal.

The homepage of the Kalashnikov.ru website

The homepage of the Kalashnikov.ru website

The Kalashnikov magazine cover

The Kalashnikov magazine cover

GUNSweek.com contents within the Kalashnikov.ru website

GUNSweek.com contents within the Kalashnikov.ru website

We at GUNSweek.com can now enthusiastically announce that we reached an agreement with the KALASHNIKOV.ru team. Periodically, some contents from GUNSweek.com will be translated in Russian for the enjoyment of Russiana and Russian-speaking gun enthusiasts on the website Kalashnikov.ru.

We can't help but admit how this new agreement is a reason of great pleasure for us, and another acknowledgement at a global level of the outstanding and very hard work we have done – and we are doing – with GUNSweek.com.

We definitely look ahead to develop our ties with the KALASHNIKOV magazine and DWJ even further, to provide a better service and global-class information to gun enthusiasts and shooters worldwide as well as to give a voice to the instances of those who fight for the preservation and progression of gun rights and passion in these dark times.

GUNSweek.com and Kalashnikov.ru now in online cooperation!
GUNSweek.com and Kalashnikov.ru now in online cooperation!