AmmoLand Shooting Sports News celebrates ten years of publishing
October 2018 the tenth anniversary for, one of the most popular sources for shooting sports news on the Internet!

The current logo for AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is proud to report that October 2018 will mark ten years of publishing on the world wide web; originally called the Ammoland News and Business Directory, the website opened publications on October 2, 2008, with a post that featured the song "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition", written by Frank Loesser and recorded by Kay Kyser and his Orchestra.
Since that date, published over 68,000 articles – 10 to 40 every weekday since 2008 on subjects related to shooting sports, gun rights, hunting, the firearms industry, and the Second Amendment.
As the website's business evolved, it started publishing on the weekends as its readership continued to grow: currently the website counts over 197,000 comments on its articles and trade announcements.
As AmmoLand Editor Fredy Riehl declared:
We owe our loyal readers a great heartfelt thank you for your support and dedication over the last ten years. With your continued comments and encouragement you have helped us to continue to grow to where we now have a million plus readers each month.

Brownells was one of the first industry supporters of AmmoLand News, with the first Brownells announcement running November 18, 2008, featuring products from Sabre Defense and Daniel Defense. The publishing format of is pretty much unchanged today as it was back then, with better images, videos, and links.
The signature's approach – mixing sense of humor, daily cartoons, market insight and hard-hitting exposés leaving no stones unturned in defense of the right to keep and bear arms – is a part of what makes the website an institution. Among the people that contributed to the success of AmmoLand News are prestigious gunwriters, gentlemen and American patriots such as Tom McHale, David Codrea, Dean Weingarten and Jeff Knox, as well as the late Alan Caruba and Charlie Cutshaw.
Editor Fredy Riehl had words of gratitude for them too:
Thank you to you guys for all your support as well as the hundreds of others whose voices have made AmmoLand News what it is today. We would be nothing if not for the support all these great friends and activists.

Most of all, extends its gratitude to all the individuals whose continued readership and allegiance gives people like us purpose. To celebrate the anniversary, gives all its readers within the United States a chance at winning an exciting long range rifle and scope package. The extraction will be in 45 days and will include all new and existing subscribers to AmmoLand's daily newsletters.
We are looking forward to another ten years of, with many more fights to take on and stories to write in defense of the right to keep and bear arms in the United States of America and abroad.