Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 folding semi-automatic 9mm rifle
The Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 is a folding semi-automatic pistol-caliber carbine: chambered in 9mm and feeding through Glock magazines, its pivoting receiver allows to drastically reduce the overall length of the rifle.

The Trailblazer Firearms company, headquartered in North Carolina, made headlines worldwide back in 2018 with the launch of the innovative LifeCard, a .22 rimfire single-shot pistol that folds closed to the size, and looks, of a credit card when not in use.
Back in the day, the true usefulness of the LifeCard in a defensive situation was questioned by some observers, and in some circles its launch became cause for alarm – so much so that it was immediately banned in those Countries where laws do not allow civilian ownership of firearms "camouflaged as other objects" or otherwise not immediately recognizable for what they really are.
The new creation from Trailblazer Firearms, however, while inspired by the same principles of portability as the LifeCard, may not be bound to the same destiny: the Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 folding semi-automatic pistol-caliber carbine/rifle may smash the market for sporting, defensive and outdoors-oriented PCCs thanks to its wise blend of features and ingenious technical layout.

Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 semi-automatic pistol-caliber rifle – unfolded

Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 semi-automatic pistol-caliber rifle – folded
The Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 pistol-caliber carbine is built around an aluminum alloy upper receiver, a polymer lower, and a steel bolt group; based on a standard, simple blowback operation, it is chambered for 9mm Luger and feeds through standard Glock 9mm pistol magazines.

The 40,6 cm / 16" steel of the Pack9 features a protected, threaded muzzle for muzzle brakes, flash hiders, sound suppressors, and other such accessories. Other features of the Pack9 include a full matte black corrosion-resistant finish, a manual ambidextrous safety located just above the pistol grip, an "HK-style" forward charging handle, and a good set of Picatinny rails for optical sights, electro-optics, or back-up iron sights.
What puts the Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 in a whole different league if compared to other pistol caliber carbines, however, is what the manufacturing Company calls "The Pivot": a peculiar, patented system that allows the user to drastically reduce the overall length of the Pack9 in a matter of seconds, to a minimum of 53 cm / 20.9", for more convenient transportation or safe storage when not in use.
The upper receiver of the Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 can perform a full 180° pivot over the lower receiver, basically until the barrel is facing rearwards. In this configuration the Pack9 can not chamber a round and of course can not fire.

"The Pivot" system allows Trailblazer Firearms to offer a handy PCC that will easily fit in a backpack for a stroll at the range or in the woods, or sit comfortably in a crowded gun safe, while at the same time meeting the law criteria for those Countries and jurisdictions that ban or impose severe restrictions to the civilian ownership of those long guns deemed "too short" or "too concealable" in their firing configuration.
The overall length of the Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 carbine in its firing-ready configuration ranges between 67,8 cm / 26.7" to 75,4 cm / 29.7", depending on the position of the collapsible stock. A spare magazine holder is integrated on the buttstock to speed up reloading and to keep ammunition handy when the gun is in its folded configuration. The overall weight of the Pack9 tops 2,26 kilograms (5 lbs) when empty.
The Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 folding pistol-caliber carbine is slated to be officially released on the US market in the 1st quarter of 2022. No manufacturer's suggested retail price and no information concerning international availability or pricing have been announced so far.