VIDEO: Meprolight optics new products 2016
IWA 2016 – In addition to the 2016 Enforce Tac event, the Israeli electro-optics manufacturer Meprolight has showcased also during the IWA show, inside the 'growing' booth of their German distributor Waffen Ferkinghoff

The Meprolight company logo
Meprolight developes, manufactures and markets Electro-Optical systems for infantry, armed forces, law enforcement agencies and civilian markets since 1990.
Meprolight provides a wide selection of products: electro-optical and optical sights and devices, night vision devices, thermal sights, laser rangefinders, hand held rangefinders, fire control systems and other tritium illuminated products and accessories for safety and security applications.
Recently, Meprolight has been selected as sole supplier (now and for the future) of thousand of MEPRO M5 combat sights for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
Quick view over some Meprolight leading products
For more information:

MEPRO M5 - Red Dot Weapon Sight
MEPRO M5 - Red Dot Weapon Sight

MEPRO MOR - Multi-Purpose Reflex Sight With Two Laser Pointers (Visible and IR)

MEPRO MOR - Multi-Purpose Reflex Sight With Two Laser Pointers (Visible and IR)

MEPRO X4 - Day Scope with x4 Magnification
MEPRO X4 - Day Scope with x4 Magnification

MEPRO MESLAS - Sniper’s Fire-Control Riflescope 10x40 with Fully Integrated Laser Rangefinder

MEPRO MESLAS - Sniper’s Fire-Control Riflescope 10x40 with Fully Integrated Laser Rangefinder
MEPRO HUNTER - Sniper's Night Vision Weapon Sight with x4 or x6 magnification
MEPRO HUNTER - Sniper's Night Vision Weapon Sight with x4 or x6 magnification
MEPRO NOA 4X - 4x magnification Uncooled Thermal Weapon Sight for Sniper

MEPRO NOA 4X - 4x magnification Uncooled Thermal Weapon Sight for Sniper
MEPRO NOA NYX - Lightweight Uncooled Thermal Weapon Sight
MEPRO NOA NYX - Lightweight Uncooled Thermal Weapon Sight

MEPRO MINIMON (L) - Multi–Functional Lightweight Mini-Monocular

MEPRO MINIMON (L) - Multi–Functional Lightweight Mini-Monocular

MEPRO BINIMON (A) - Aviator’s Night Vision System

MEPRO BINIMON (A) - Aviator’s Night Vision System

MEPROLIGHT SELF-ILLUMINATED NIGHT SIGHTS for pistols, rifles and shotguns