is a Firearms United partner
After our coverage of the conference held in Brussels last week to further discuss about the Directive 91/477/EEC, Firearms United has decided to list among their official partners.
We at feel proud for such a recognition from a serious International organization like Firearms United, which is fighting so actively in defense of the rights of all gun owners, all over Europe. Director Bruno Circi says: “The political attempt going on in Europe to ban legal firearms with the political excuse of adopting urgent security measures to fight International criminality and terrorism, is illogic and useless to the purpose, but most of all, it is unacceptable. It goes in a dangerous direction, well beyond the legitimacy that the European Union has received from the citizens”.
Bruno Circi continues: “A restricted group of European citizens (yes, this is what members of the European Commission are) has decided to ban all firearms: and to reach the goal they are infringing the basic legal rights of hundred thousand of law abiding EU citizens.
Can this really be done so easily? Good to know: but if so, this means that the EU Parliament is not able to protect the civil rights of the EU citizens. And I guess this should be clarified by the Parliament itself.
This is the kind of things that cleary explains why so many people are ever more convinced that the EU is failing.
Nonetheless, I’m a strong supporter of the European Union and its cohesion, and I hope that other good willing forces inside the EU Parliament will be able to oppose and manage such a dangerous mess”.
That is why when Firearms United announced the conference at the European Parliament, has decided to cover the event, in an attempt to provide it maximum support and visibility. Together with Firearms United we succeeded in this, with tens of thousands of people reached in the first 24 hours after the publication of our report.
The punishment of legal gun owners = law abiding citizens, CANNOT be the right way to fight back criminality and terrorism. And we must all beware the severe economic, social and cultural consequences of such a dangerous path.
We at cannot do nothing to contrast the EU Commission Directive 91/477/EEC. But we can inform people and rise attention among all those who can help find a reasonable solution, starting from the members active in the EU Parliament.
A view of the conference held at by Firearms United at the European Parliament, to discuss again on the EU Commission Directive 91/477/EEC on Firearms
We remark our point of view:
In 1945, at the end of World War II,
the city of Nuremberg hosted a Trial.
The focus was the definitive condemnation,
all over the World and forever,
of any kind of "collective punishments"
The Nuremberg Trial set a basic mark for the creation of a new Europe.
The same Europe that now, seems to have forgotten the historic fundamentals of its constitutional liberties.
The European Commission infact has 'planned' a useless, expensive and ineffective Gun Ban: exactly a 'collective punishment' against law-abiding European citizens of twenty-seven Member States for crimes that have been committed by International terrorists: CRIMINALS, for sure not belonging to the legal gun owners’ European citizens’ community!