Uberti 1873 Short Stroke revolver for Kenda Lenseigne
SHOT Show 2016 - Kenda Leinseigne, Cowboy Mounted Shooting World Champion, has joined up with Uberti to design a small family of 1873 SAA Short Stroke competition revolvers
Kenda Lenseigne is an US Professional Shooter specialized in Cowboy Mounted Shooting, a fascinating but difficult dicipline in which Kenda has been able to win several National and World records.
From her experience and suggestions, the well known Italian firm Uberti has designed a special version of the popular Colt Single Action 1873 revolver, a model that goes with the name of Uberti Short Stroke "Kenda Lenseigne", of course.
The Uberti revolver designed for Kenda Leinseigne is a Short Stroke one, that means it has a modified mechanics allowing the rotation of the cylinder and hammer cocking in a shorter run of the hammer itself, a practical and useful feature much appreciated by all those sposrt shooters - professional or not - passionate with the many fast shooting exercises tytpical of the Cowboy Action Shooting.
The Uberti Short Stroke "Kenda Lenseigne" revolver is chambered for the .357 Magnum cartridge, with a 3 1/2" barrel and a special bird-eye shaped, checkered grip.
“In the world of professional competitive CMS and SASS shooting, fractions of a second are often what separates the winner from the also-rans. And when speed is as important as accuracy in a race-gun platform, the world's top CMS and SASS shooters look for every advantage they can get,” Lenseigne said. “For this reason, the new Uberti Short Stroke CMS and SASS Pro family feature a short-stroke action, meaning that hammer travel and hammer-travel time are reduced by 16 percent over conventional revolvers. Also key for this family of revolvers is the custom-grade mainspring that makes cocking the hammer butter smooth and gives an ultra-crisp feel to the trigger.”

Uberti 1873 Short Stroke revolver designed for Kenda Lenseigne
Out of the suggestions received by Kenda Leinseigne, in addition to the revolver she personally uses during her competitions, Uberti has realized also two more standard versions with the same short hammer cocking features: the Uberti Short Stroke CMS KL Pro and the SASS Pro revolvers variants.
Chambered in the classic .45 Colt and sporting a 3.5” barrel, the Uberti Short Stroke CMS KL Pro revolver also features Kenda's signature as well as a completely new grip, redesigned by the champion herself and bearing her carved logo in the wood panels. The Short Stroke CMS Pro is distinguished by deeply checkered grips in the traditional 1873 Single Action style. The SASS Pro features traditional grips and is available in 4.75” and 5.5” barrel configurations, as well as offering the chambering option of.45 Colt or .357 Magnum.
The Uberti CMS Pro, CMS KL Pro and SASS Pro are all equipped with a low-profile, extra-wide hammer with aggressive checkering, as well as wide rear channel (EasyView) sights. This hammer enables quick target acquisition as well as a constant view of the target.
For all those Coyboy shooters that may be interested, a Short Stroke optional kit will be available soon, compatible with all existing Uberti Single Action 1873 revolvers.
Left to right: the Uberti 1873 Short Stroke revolver designed for Kenda Lenseigne, and a standard 4 3/4" barrel version, as well equipped with a short stroke hammer action

The Professional Shooter Kenda Lenseigne in action, during one of her "winning" exhibitions